Life in the garden alleys of the story

Each incident is a story. Each look, hello, smile, and goodbye has a story behind it.

The seed you plant in the earth, walking in rain, counting starts at night, reviewing childhood memories until now …

It’s enough to know that you, yes you are the hero of the story in many moments of life (we will talk more about this while story reading).







Jalāl ad-Dīn Mohammad (Molavi) was one of those people who, since childhood, had always had a different and deconstructive view toward life, creation, beliefs, thought, and anything related to these concepts.

The moment he reached relative maturity in thought and worldview in social life, he surpassed all the enforced contracts and frames.

He breathed life into words to breathe life into both worlds. Words that broke the shackles of the world and went beyond all boundaries.

The Masnavi: Book One

  • The first session (the beginning smile): getting to know Molavi, his life, thought, and book, The Masnavi
  • Second session (look, adventure and passage): the story of a master and cockeyed pupil, the story of merchant and parrot (first part)
  • Third session (the rest of the adventure until destination): the second and third parts of the merchant and parrot story
  • Fourth session (music, joy, art, etc.): the story of the old man with harp
  • Fifth session (objectification of artists by people, surpassing expectations): the second and third parts of the story of the old man with harp
  • Sixth session (claim, unraveling in the presence of the beloved): the story of syntax scholar and sailor – the story of one who knocked on the door of the beloved
  • Seventh session (clearing heart from haze): the story of the Romans and the Chinese disputing over the painting and sculpting
  • Eighth session (sheer greed. Curse me for I brought it upon myself):
    • Begging alongside Jesus and resurrecting bones
    • Milking the lion by the villager, thinking it is a cow
    • Sufis selling the steed of the traveler for eavesdropping

Course Details:

  • 12 Sessions
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