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The musical culture of the vast land of Iran is quite varied and fits into two major types of formal or Dastgah, and the second type, the music of different regions or folkloric music.

Dastgah music, much like Persian literature, is a vocal reflection of the Iranian culture and is considered a mutual language for all Iranians. Folkloric music, on the other hand, is a narrative from different ancient Iranian folks and encompasses the vocal and auditory parts of popular culture.

Melale International Educational Institute is offering a comprehensive and varied educational course to familiarize trainees with the ancient music of Iran and quench the thirst of avid Iranian music aficionados. This familiarization will take place in the form of various courses:

  • The history of music in Iran
  • Various instruments in the Dastgah music of Iran
  • Folkloric music in Iran (instrumental and musical characteristics)
  • Morphology of Iranian music
  • Familiarization with the Dastgah music in Iran
  • The compositions in Iranian music (from Qajar era until now)