Each person has two identities: internal and external.

Our thoughts, emotions, and experiences give meaning to our internal identity. But our external identity is manifested through our “garment.”

Garment and clothing can have varying and, at the same time, opposing meanings in different cultures. As such, the color and designs of clothes can be examined from different perspectives.

History, geography, beliefs, and the events of any nation and also the temperament and the spirit of the people play an important role in their attitude and garments.

Along with some other ancient nations, Iran is the pinnacle of beauties and subtleties.

The people of this country are an amalgam of ideas and a long history, and have a deep root when it comes to culture; a culture that has made its way to the farthest reaches of the world.

Our aim is to use this opportunity to introduce the various and colorful clothes of the great land of Iran. We also want to create a new paradigm in the clothing industry of Iran by combining ancient imagery and design with inspiration from ancient Iranian stories.

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