Posts related to “Architecture” category:
Symbolism in Ancient Persia
Symbols are the oldest and most basic methods of expression. A tool that creates meaning in concepts that can otherwise
Isfahan, Zayandehrud, and water
Maadis or systems of canals are streams that originate from Zayandehrud, connecting the East side of the river to the
Amazing Rural Life of Meymand
The historic and dugout village of Maymand is located to the east of Babak city in the North western part
Introduction to Ancient Iranian Architecture
Ancient Persian architecture refers to anything built by Iranian intellectuals before the Arab invasion of 633CE. The incursions by Arabs
Iranian People and Iranian Architecture
Security is the second most important human need after food and security can be achieved when humans have access to
Posts related to “Persian Language Learning – Adults” category:
Characteristics of Persian Language
زبان یک مفهوم انتزاعی با دو نمود عینی است: خط و آوا. با استفاده از خط یک زبان را مکتوب
History and origin of Persian language
Persian language, also known as Farsi, is a branch of Indo-European languages in Indo-Iranian languages family. Persian is the official